
warm & fuzzy

Had a fantastic night. So glad I got off the couch...

Heather & Emma made my night! So excited for New Years... Dance dance dance!


It waved RIGHT AT ME

Because I'm trying to be uber-positive about the unfortunate exam that i have to write in 14.5 hours, i must tell about the THING that made my day yesterday (yes, positivity is clearly a stretch when i'm holding onto yesterday's thing).

Driving to the heuther cafe to study, a man walks out of the costume store in a fucking full-body COCKROACH costume. All nonchallantly, he stands by the edge of the road and just slowely waves to me... his little cockroachy gross leg, just waving at me!! I giggled for 5 minutes.

Thank you cockroach man!



Today is lame.

Work was particularly intolerable, and not because of the customers. I missed the Stitch & Kitch because I was too bitter to walk the 5 minutes after work, plus the guilt of the unlearned whole of Canadian History necessary for Tuesday's exam. My grammer is terrible and my mood is worse.

New Years is still somewhat of a question mark. Toronto, no matter what. Erin says it will happen, so I will believe her. A dress has strolled into work that might make me excited about the new years prospect for the outfit factor alone. I need to dance. need need need...

Fuck you, School. Don't you know I'm over you?

Abort. Going out for a drink...


Red Wine & Genocide

So... I'm drunk.

I shouldn't be. I should be writing a paper on "Rape as Genocide in Bosnia: the Politics of Silence, Representation and Resistance" but instead I am drunk. Whoops. Drinking seemed the only sane way to get through it, but now I clearly digress from that misguided "productive" path...

I cry a lot. That makes me a pretty hilarious academic, but a rather annoying person. Ask around, they'll tell you as much.

I have foreboding feelings about this upcoming holiday. My year has been such shit that I have little faith in it ending well. But I want to be positive! .. I want joy, and love, and drinks with the nearest and dearest.

So, this is my positive note. Only love this holiday. I just hope others will follow suit.

Back to ethnic cleansing... merry xmas!

(a salute to my pretties in the far East, xox)